nslookup snippets

Command snippets for nslookup

Lookup a domain

To look up a domain, type in nslookup followed by the domain name:

$ nslookup my_domain_name

Lookup reverse DNS

To do a reverse DNS lookup, type nslookup followed by the IP address:

$ nslookup IP_address

Lookup for A record

To look up the A record of a domain, type in nslookup followed by the domain name:

$ nslookup my_domain_name

Lookup for MX record

To look up the mail exchange records (MX) of a domain, use the -type=mx option:

$ nslookup -type=mx my_domain_name

Lookup for NS record

To look up the NS record of a domain, use the -type=ns option:

$ nslookup -type=ns my_domain_name