ipconfig references

References for ipconfig

ipconfig /?This command will display the help menu. The command shows the list of all available parameters along with some example commands and brief explanations for each.
ipconfig /releaseThis command will release the IPv4 addresses associated with the network adapters. You can specify to release an IP for just one network adapter as well. This command will not work for static assigned IPs.
ipconfig /release6This command will release the IPv6 addresses associated with the network adapters. You can specify to release an IP for just one network adapter as well. This command will not work for static assigned IPs.
ipconfig /renewThis command will request DHCP server to assign a new IPv4 to network adapters after you have released them using the /release command. You can specify to assign IP to a particular adapter as well.
ipconfig /renew6XXX This command will release the IPv6 addresses associated with the network adapters. You can specify to release IP for just one network adapter as well. This command will not work for static assigned IPs.
ipconfig /flushdnsThis command will flush the DNS cache on your machine and will fetch updated DNS records. If you changed DNS records of a website and you cannot access it, try using this command to fetch the latest DNS records.
ipconfig /registerdnsThis command creates or updates the host name or the A/AAA records for a computer that's joined with active directory configuration. If your computer is on an active directory, you can access it with domain name instead of its IP address.
ipconfig /displaydnsThis command shows the DNS entries present in the DNS resolver cache. The DNS resolver is that maps a domain name to its IP address.
ipconfig /allThis command shows the detailed TCP/IP configuration for all the adapters. It displays additional information like DHCP enabled and DNS servers, which are not displayed by executing simple ipconfig command.